The first thing I did was I liquidated about $4k of it and bought a watch that I've wanted for a while and a suit and some nice shoes as a celebration. Was this a good idea?
I dont know what do to at this point. I want to diversify into some stocks but my parents tell me this success I've had with crypto can have gone to my head and made me overconfident and thus more susceptible to making mistakes when investing in stocks as it is a complete different animal. Also If I want to liquidate any serious amount of crypto I will have to pay a 30% capital gains tax on all profit that Ive made, and I dont know how to pay taxes as Ive never done it before, especially not capital gains taxes.
I have been losing sleep thinking about this, the crypto market is highly volatile and there is a risk for scammers and hacker taking my money so this has made me very paranoid. I feel very paranoid of keyloggers etc when I login to the exchanges and wallets I have my money in, to the point of going to obsessive lengths to secure my money. I feel all this is taking a toll on my mental health and that is precisely why I want to move atleast 90% of my money out of crypto. Preferably into something very safe and stable where I dont have to worry about hackers or it going down 50% one day and up 120% anotherday. Atleast until I learn more about the stockmarket so that I can start choosing the individual stocks I invest in.
Sorry for kinda rambling and my bad english, its my third language and im typing this on a phone at night. I appreciate any advice you can give me. Thanks.
Submitted September 17, 2017 at 04:04PM by TRPAndNofapGotMeLaid