I've built a home maintenance calendar / checklist based on a number of other lists, since I will hopefully be closing on a home around Halloween. Is there anything I should add or reconsider? I am located in the Pacific NW, specifically the Willamette Valley, so we have generally mild weather, rain September through June, with the exception of some limited freezing and snow in the winter and hot, dry days in the summer.Here's the list:1 - JANUARYVacuum and clean fridge coilsClean stove and ovenClean circuit breakerTest and reset all GFCI / AFCI outlets, test all outlets and switches, check all extension cords, replace any bulbsCheck fire extinguisherClean and test water shutoffVacuum and clean ventsClean garbage disposal with ice and baking sodaClean range hood filter2 - FEBRUARYRepair grout around sinks, shower, tubClean window blinds and curtainsClean ceiling fans & lighting fixturesVacuum and dust vents, change HVAC filterClean garbage disposal with ice and baking sodaCheck for leaks on supply lines to sinks and toiletsTighten all doors, handles, knobs, racks, hangers, etc.Check deadbolts and locks on doors and windowsClean range hood filter3 - MARCHClean & touch up baseboard and doorsTest smoke & CO detectorsVacuum and dust ventsClean garbage disposal with ice and baking sodaClean range hood filterInspect windows, caulk and replaceCheck fire extinguisherTest sump pump & maceratorClean gutters and splash blocks, check drainage4 - APRILSchedule AC service appointmentFertilize and dethatch lawnInspect exterior walls, roof, guttersVacuum and dust vents, change HVAC filterClean garbage disposal with ice and baking sodaCheck for leaks on supply lines to sinks and toiletsClean range hood filterInspect & replace window screens as needed5 - MAYDeep clean exterior and interiorWindow: wash and clean sills, inside & outPlant annuals & perennialsVacuum and dust ventsClean garbage disposal with ice and baking sodaClean range hood filterCheck for leaks on supply lines to sinks and toiletsCheck fire extinguisherInspect trees, trim spring shrubs after blooming6 - JUNE Inspect and repair fencingVacuum and dust vents, change HVAC filterClean garbage disposal with ice and baking sodaTest fridge door sealTest water heater pressure relief valveClean guttersClean range hood filterTest garage door auto-reverseCheck for insects, correct as neededClean patio and patio roofApply moss killer7 - JULYDeclutter and clean garageArtificial plants: cleanVacuum and dust ventsClean garbage disposal with ice and baking sodaClean range hood filterCheck for leaks on supply lines to sinks and toiletsCheck fire extinguisherClean and inspect roofClean out window wells8 - AUGUSTClean carpetsVacuum and dust vents, change HVAC filterClean garbage disposal with ice and baking sodaCheck for leaks on supply lines to sinks and toiletsInspect all doors and locksFlush water heaterClean exterior windows and remove debris from window wellsClean range hood filterClean dryer vent9 - SEPTEMBERVacuum and dust ventsClean and cover AC unitTest Smoke Detectors and CO detectorsClean garbage disposal with ice and baking sodaClean range hood filterCheck for leaks on supply lines to sinks and toiletsInspect all windows, caulk as neededHave furnace servicedTest sump pump and maceratorFlush and turn off / winterize outside water faucets, drain, roll up and store hosesHave chimney cleaned/inspectedClean gutters10 - OctoberTrim branches and shrubsWinterize perennials, clean annuals outClean splash blocksVacuum and dust vents, change HVAC filterClean garbage disposal with ice and baking sodaCheck for leaks on supply lines to sinks and toiletsClean and store lawnmower & sprinklersClean range hood filter11 - NOVEMBERDeep clean interiorVacuum and dust ventsClean fire extinguisherClean range hood filterClean garbage disposal with ice and baking sodaCheck for leaks on supply lines to sinks and toiletsRemove and clean shower heads and faucet aeratorsTrim branches and late blooming shrubs12 - DECEMBERVacuum and dust vents, change HVAC filterClean garbage disposal with ice and baking sodaClean range hood filterCheck for leaks on supply lines to sinks and toiletsTest water heater pressure relief valveTest garage door auto-reverse via /r/DIY http://ift.tt/2fXtoGb