This might be a bit long, but I want to give an accurate account of what has happened so far.
Today around 3PM, I started getting hundreds and hundreds of emails stating that i've signed up for random sites, like Okcupid, etc. One of the sites was a hotel and plane reservation from Orbitz. I checked that email and saw there was a confirmation/reservation number. I called Orbitz and they confirmed there was a flight from Turkey to Philly (US). I told Orbitz to cancel the flight and began frantically doing all the steps for ID theft. I made a police report, I put a freeze on my credit and I pulled a credit report. The credit report did not show any new activity, but I wasn't sure if it is up to date as I hear it could take a few weeks to show up.
Here's what really worried me... Orbitz told me the last 4 of the credit card (which I did not recognize) and they told me the credit card had my name on it. Thus i've been taking all the steps I can including filing a police report and getting advice from a lawyer.
I changed my password to my email and had Orbitz close the account. Shortly (30 mins) after I had Orbitz close the account, I stopped receiving these spam emails. (I think I had over 1000 within a 3 hour period).....
So what do you guys think?.... my personal thought is someone from Turkey is trying to mask that they are flying someone to the US with my identity. I think I might report it to the FBI in case they have a passport with my ID on it....
Any other steps you guys think I should be taking?
Submitted September 28, 2017 at 08:34PM by gameschess