I thought this may be appropriate here since we are all like-minded about the value of a dollar, and I feel some may share feelings I am having at the loss of such a huge dollar amount.
I was unwise and sold my iPad on craigslist. Worth $1200 for the big Pro version...so I unlocked it because I was selling it obviously, and thought someone would have the decency to not run off with it, as I met up at this public place many times before without issue. Tried to chase them down but they drove off before I could get to them. Good news is I got their license plate and the police busted their asses trying to rob someone else later that night. Bad news is, they are loser criminals and most likely won't be reliable for any sort of restitution. They must have made a drop beforehand as my iPad was not recoverable.
Having a tough time coping with the thought that something worth over 2 weeks of my salary (before normal living costs), could be nabbed and earned by some low-life in less than 45 seconds, with nowhere near the effort that I put in to my job for that 2 weeks. It's been a few months now, and still every time I am reminded of it (apple advertising), I boil with anger. I wonder if I will ever be able to get over this. Every time I need to make a large payment, I think of how that stolen money could have paid for that, and how I wouldn't be in the red if I didn't lose that money.
How would all of you at r/frugal cope? How could I compensate for the loss, even mentally?
August 04, 2017 at 11:51AM