This has kinda been on my mind lately. Aside from abstaining from the obvious social networks (FaceBook, Instagram, and SnapChat), I'm also thinking about taking a break off YouTube. I tend to waste time watching a variety of vids when I should be doing something worth my time. So just wondering if any of you have taken a considerably long break from YouTube.
If so, how has it impacted you?
Would it be ideal to take a hiatus on this as well?
Been on a journey of bettering myself and I wanna be in the moment with no distractions.
I wanna be able to enjoy the little things in life and not rely on the media to be the source of my enjoyment.
SN: And yes, I'm aware that reddit is a form of social media as well. Sometimes I need a break from it when I get too comfortable reading posts rather than actually doing something.
Submitted August 10, 2017 at 01:37AM by GrizzlyBear100