I don't know what kind of background you need so here are the basics:
I'm a 29 year old single (for the purposes of financial stuff; I do have a girlfriend but she and I don't live together or share finances) female currently renting from parents. I don't have much debt other than my car loan and a few hospital bills I'm paying off.
I currently have:
a Care Credit card with a limit of $2500. No balance - I just finished paying off a dental bill and don't plan on putting anything more on this card until I have more dental work done in January.
Discover IT card with a limit of $1000. I just opened this card in June 2017. So far I put about $500/month on it (which feels like a lot? I use it for gas and groceries and some subscription payments) but I pay it in full every month.
I would like to get the Amazon card - I think there are two different ones? - so I can get cashback on Amazon purchases. However I don't know A) if that's a good idea and B) how long I should wait before opening another card.
My FICO score is 717. If you need any other info from me, please ask. I am new to the world of credit cards, as my parents were never very open about financial matters with me (such as how to get a loan, what to use credit cards for, etc) and I've mostly learned from this sub.
edit: The only future plans I have are to finish paying off my hospital bills and to move in with my girlfriend (thus paying more rent), both happening sometime early next year.
Submitted August 18, 2017 at 03:11AM by ifelldown87 http://ift.tt/2icc43G