Roughly two weeks ago I went on a cruise. Of course on a cruise cellular connection is rare (unless you make an emergency medical stop in Puerto Rico). Regardless, I spent a week without my phone. I had always contemplated taking a social media hiatus but couldn't quite seem to make the "jump". This cruise was a perfect starting point. Once back in port I had this dire urge to check Facebook and yet kind of upset me. Why was I so excited over seeing what other people were up to or how many notifications I had. Rather upset from this realization I immediately deleted Facebook off my phone. I do have a volunteer group which requires me to maintain an active Facebook account but I told them that the requirement would not be met from me no more.
It's been nearly two weeks and I will say it's been tough. I keep "checking" my phone for social media notifications and much more. After a while I've come to realize that my productivity at work had nearly doubled (backed by statistical data done by myself), I've became happy because I wasn't focused on what other were doing around me, and I was able to put a great amount of focus on my marriage which had deemed to have some serious beneficial repercussions!
The focus of social media is to "connect" however I feel as if we are more disconnected than ever.
Submitted August 09, 2017 at 11:20PM by iriecolby