I was a social media intern for a synagogue for about 5 months. I really didn't do much. Just posted about 5 times to their Facebook for their garden. I was a crappy worker. Them paying me at all is a miracle in itself honestly.
They let me go this morning and told me that they'll give me a good recommendation which was nice. They also said "They want to make sure I get paid for my contributions" which was fuck all "and to play write a invoice" I have no idea.
Originally they said $13 an hour when I first started but I haven't really paid attention to how many hours since it's 3 clicks to upload something on Facebook. She didn't even let me dictate what to say. They mailed that to me. Honestly the job was made for me really so that was nice.
She let me go because they want someone to come to the place itself and take pictures which theybmever expressed to me. I thought that was the plan on the beginning but they never asked me to come so idk. Anyway how do i write an invoice that's fair and not taking them for granted?
Submitted August 30, 2017 at 04:25AM by kinkshamingismykink http://ift.tt/2wnl9u0