My mother lives in an expensive neighborhood where homes sell for $1,000,000. She is in her 70's, long divorced from her 4th husband, has very little cash and wants to re-fi to pull cash from the equity in the property. Her current loan is about $250,000. She has no income so does not qualify for a re-fi on her own. She lives on social security benefits but is struggling to do so, selling any possessions of value (jewelry, cars, art) and asking for money from me and my sibling. Neither me or my sibling feel comfortable co-signing on the re-fi as she is not smart with money when she has it and has shown in the past she will take care of herself first. Long story short, she is just not trustworthy. She says a reverse mortgage is a scam. We have suggested to her that her only option is to sell her property but she doesn't want to move. Is there some option we have not thought of? TY
Submitted August 26, 2017 at 09:39AM by goodgollymissmolly77