First off, I appreciate everyone who commented on my original post which can be found here. You all helped, even if just for emotional support and knowing someone cares.
I have since apologized to my father, told him I loved him, along with my two younger brothers who also live at the house. I will not be returning home, I am not welcome, nor do I wish to be.
I went to my job and explained everything, my assistant manager held me as I cried in her arms. She texted my boss and told him what had happened. He came over right away and came into the office and told me that me and him were going for a walk. He asked me when the last time I ate was, I told him not to worry about it, he threatened to fire me. He walked with me across the complex and we got lunch. Where he sat down and told me:
"I'm not here as your boss. I came over to talk to you because I believe that if you have a chance to make a positive influence on someone, you should. "
I won't go into the details but he told me he was in a very similar situation at my age, and it took him far too long to reconcile with his father about everything in his life. He went 20 years without saying anything to his father, and it still isn't the same. He told me I could do what I want with his advice, but every second I wait it would tear me apart.
So I apologized to my dad. I went back, told him I was sorry and that I loved him, but I wouldn't be returning.
So last night I had a date scheduled and went through with it anyway, I ended up staying at the girls house after she dropped me off at a hotel and "felt bad". I hate pity parties, but I should get used to it I guess. I slept on the couch, she's a keeper.
I'm going with the flow. I'm gonna couch surf until school starts back up, then I'll likely go stay with a friend at his college. I'll work and pay him rent, but that's as far as I can think ahead. My family is going on vacation next week, and I have permission to stay there for as long as I need. I'll likely stay the whole time they're away, then return to my ways.
I'll do what I can to find something to eat. If I don't find anything, I'm a big enough guy, I've got some extra for a little while.
Transportation: I'm going to look at buying a bike, just enough to get me from point A to point B without any trouble.
Oh, boy. No credit card, if I can't make $250 dollars last 10 days then I've got a problem. My boss decided to give me a raise, partly because I'm very good at my job and half because he knows I need it. Still only getting $8.50 an hour with no more than 30 hrs a week, but I can make it work for sure.
Oh goodie! So I called the non emergency line for all the police in my surrounding area and told them I am safe and not in any form of danger. I didn't want to waste their resources, so I explained what happened and told them that should my family attempt to file a missing person report, I am safe and in good health. The officer told me that he would legally have to check on me every time they attempted to file a report, so I told him to just give me a call.
Thank you all for all of your help. I should be good from now on. You all helped a tremendous amount, even if you just let me know that I had options and it's not impossible.
Thank you so much
Submitted July 09, 2017 at 09:51AM by Slimpete2017