Yesterday, one of our dogs was injured and we had to take her to an emergency vet. We have pet insurance with a $500 deductible for each dog (we have 3) and no limits after you hit the deductible with 90% reimbursement. Last year, we made a commitment to always have $1500 set aside within our emergency fund to meet the deductible if any emergency comes up for any dog. Because of that planning we were able to focus on our dog and not stress about money when we were at the vet. There was another family in the office negotiating a $4200 bill and I couldn't help but think that I would be in that exact same situation if I hadn't considered dog insurance or saving money to always have enough to meet the deductible.
Anywho, thanks /r/personalfinance for the great advice over the last few years!
Submitted July 21, 2017 at 06:23PM by MrCSquared