To preface my question, I want to give a little background information. I am 26 years old and have a daughter who is 3. I have been dancing for 7 years. I am in 8 thousand dollars of debt to my boyfriend and have been paying him back very aggressively (I aim for $500 a week). I have a regular job as well where I make around 31k a year. I currently receive food stamps and state insurance but my food stamps will end in September as that is my recertification period and obviously I will not be eligible still. I receive a childcare subsidy from the government that pays for my daughters school/daycare with the exception of a copay that I am responsible for. My boss just approved me to do off the books overtime at $22.5 an hour but I am in school full time and completely busy with summer classes, two jobs, and raising my daughter so I'm not even sure when I'll be able to take advantage of her offer.
Here is where things start to get tricky. I am leaving my job as a dancer at the end of the year, and my income will not cover my expenses. I have the opportunity to move back in with my parents and pay $300 in rent as opposed to $1000 plus utilities. I have worked really hard for what I have but have destroyed myself financially for it. I receive very little help from my daughters father and have busted my ass trying to get to a place where she has a secure housing situation for just me and her.
I know if I moved in with my parents I could pay my boyfriend back so much faster and then save what I make dancing for the rest of the year. My bills would be so much less that I would actually be able to save from my paychecks instead of struggling and working ridiculous overtime just to pay my bills. But I also know that if I worked a bunch of overtime I would be able to afford to stay in my house and save little by little but nowhere close to what I want. It would devastate me to take what I feel is such a huge step backwards in my independence, but it is important for me to do right by my daughter above all else. I want to have a future and I know sometimes the present has to suck for that to happen. :(
TL;DR: Do I move in with my parents and take big steps ahead in my financial life or do I stay where I am just getting by and MAYBE be able to save little by little, but even that isn't definite?
Submitted July 19, 2017 at 07:00AM by Glamasaurusrexx