I'm going to be a grad student, having an income of about $700 from the school. I took out some loans which will allow me anywhere from $300-$350 a month. I cannot get a second job.
Utilities and rent is going to be about (guesstimating higher for gas and electricity) $426 for me, which isn't bad. However, I have car payments and insurance to make. I live in Michigan, so insurance is stupid high, and I also have a new car. I was going to get a used one, but it actually was the same price for me to get a new car vs a used car. It costs about $500 give or take for both payments combined. There is no public transportation where I am going to be going, save the buses on campus.
That will leave me with roughly $120 a month, and after gas is put in to the equation I will have about $80-$90 to spend on groceries per month. Also, I do not eat that much. Maybe two meals per day with snacking in between but even my meals aren't that large.
How do I get the most bang for my buck at the grocery store? There is Aldi's, and also dollar stores. What kind of meals can I make? How do I eat healthy?
Help me be a financially smart adult please :(
July 01, 2017 at 12:30PM