Hello to all you fine /r/DIY'ers!Ok, so here's the deal. My best buddy is looking to build a nice sizeable bar in his basement over the course of the next year. He really wants to incorporate a bunch of beer bottlecaps from all different types of beers into the bar top. And that's where the dilemma is that I have faith the /r/DIY community can help solve comes in...He, me, and all our friends can only drink so much beer without murdering our livers, and we only drink so many types and have access to so many types. I would LOVE if I could manage to get him beer bottle caps from all around, of all brands, of all colors, etc etc, and surprise him with all the bottle caps he could ever ask for and give him infinite freedom for how to display them.Now, I am not sure how to go about setting up a mailing address on reddit (maybe a P.O. Box???), but I am sincerely asking you all to please help me surprise my friend with as many beer bottle caps as I can get my hands on.Please let me know your thoughts about this and if you also have any tips on how I could get as many bottle caps as I can.Thanks everyone!!! :D via /r/DIY http://ift.tt/2sC34o8