I'm replacing my deck with a stamped concrete patio with a natural gas fire pit. I'll be running the gas line underground inside 1-1/2" conduit about 15 feet from the house.I have a quote from a plumber for $2500 to trench and run the line. I asked him if I could run it myself and have him inspect it since it's a very easy job and he agreed.I have a 25' CSST flex pipe kit I plan on using which includes all the necessary fittings and o-rings, etc and plan on bonding the line for ground. But I got to thinking...can I use a 25' gray BBQ grill quick disconnect gas hose instead? I already have a quick disconnect fitting for my NG grill so I thought I could leverage that.Since the fire pit will get less use than the grill it's nothing to just swap the lines. And with a 1-1/2" conduit I figured it's easy to replace if needed (although since the entire line is covered I wouldn't foresee a need). via /r/DIY http://ift.tt/2sUNzrE