So now that big companies have to raise minimum wage to 12 per hour, should i ask my boss for a raise? How would i approach this?
I started my job a month ago and the COO interviewed me and asked for a number for my hourly wage. I was hesitant because i wrote negotiable on the paper, but she kept insisting, so i said around 15 to 20 an hour. This is an entry level administration and HR work so i have two job titles. In the end, i accepted a 15 as my hourly but then i saw that the median pay for my job is almost 17 an hour.
Im aware that my negotiating was bad but now i feel that with the increase in min wage and being underpaid, it makes me feel really shitty. I dont want to confront it either bcuz im still a new employee also.
Should i just wait after my probation ends and ask or wait longer?
Submitted July 01, 2017 at 11:56PM by DogeWeTrust