Background: 21/M, I'm an electrical engineering student in Silicon Valley who is a year away from being done with that degree. Considering taking an extra half year to finish up a physics degree as well.
Problem Statement: I've had paid research positions in the past but after my internship this summer is over will be the first time in my life I'll actually have "real" money to work with and I want to get a sense of what I should be doing with it right now to set myself up for the future.
Additional Information: I have very little real-world experience with managing money, most of what I know about budgeting and investing comes from reading posts on here but it's all very theoretical and hazy. On the advice of my father I'm currently in the process of setting up a Roth IRA through Vanguard that I plan to dump ~10% of my salary into each pay cycle. Beyond that and keeping a basic budget to get a sense of what I'm able to spend each month, I have no idea.
I'm a solid student with connections and a lot of interest in what I am studying so grad school is an option, but I also have a good work ethic and a lot of confidence in my ability to learn on my own so I'm weighing going directly into the work force against pursuing a doctoral degree. The financial aspect plays a big role in this decision.
Submitted July 17, 2017 at 01:10PM by quantumfluxcapacitor