My first full time job didn't offer 401k contributions so I had put roughly 3/4 of my paychecks in savings, and now I have a lot of money saved up, roughly $35,000.
My current job does offer 401k, but only after a year's probation period. In the mean time I've opened a Roth IRA and have contributed the max amount. (Vanguard target retirement 2055)
I want to keep some savings for an emergency fund, but with the rest I'd like to invest in something that will at least combat inflation, but hopefully make some money as well. Is there any conventional wisdom for aggressive short term investing (say 5 to 10 years) or funds that you would recommend?
I'm not a scholar of investing and I don't plan on becoming one, so I'm looking mostly for a "set it and forget it" approach.
If these goals are infeasible with this kind of amateur investing I accept that as well. Thanks!
Submitted July 16, 2017 at 12:01PM by RubyCumulus