So I have taken on a project to try and rubberize a weight set that my dad gave me. Currently they have a chrome, smooth finish and it is a little frustrating to try and use, not to mention how much they clank.I tried to sand off the coating with grit paper and with an electric spinning wire brush. Neither one of them seemed to touch it. I could scratch the paint with a hammer end or screwdriver, but that isn't a real solution. Any ideas?Next I just tried to put the flex seal rubberized coating directly on the weights. It seems to stick to some parts of it, but not others. It was also too humid I think, but I am not sure it would work regardless. It will also seemingly need multiple coats. Would a primer or finisher help?I bought a wooden dowel to put in the weights to hold them while I paint them, but it already flexes at 5-10 lbs. I'm not sure what I can do about the higher weights. Where can I get metal dowels?Finally, does anyone have any ideas for something better than the flex seal?For the weight rack, the biggest problem is the weights rest on that middle portion and it is too narrow for my hand to set down, meaning I have to drop the weights with my finger onto it. You can't simply set them down easily. Anyone have a link to a DIY predone? I'm sure it has been done tons of times before.Thanks.http://ift.tt/2sjBVHQ via /r/DIY http://ift.tt/2qGyI81