My husband has large ears and is always in the market for COMFORTABLE over-ear headphones, as over time even his most comfortable and cherished ones break one way or another. He's not into those in-ear buds but often opts for those because they don't irritate his big ol' ears. He PREFERS those sweet, sweet DJ style puffy, personal, over-ear audio-playing accessories.
So, any other people who've mastered owning ears on the larger side, what headphones do you use for optimal comfort? Preferably with decent audio-playing capabilities and within a $0-$200 price range.
We're on a budget so it'd be great if they were priced for quality and size at around the $80-$120 mark, or even cheaper?
I know there are $700 dollar ones that would be a perfect match but, again, the budget.
Any recommendations appreciated!
Submitted June 05, 2017 at 03:34AM by lxndrlbll