Hello, i was browsing through the posts history and reviews elsewhere and still not sure what i should buy :( im looking for a nice backpack to carry my laptop and other items such as books, chargers, etc and to withhold heavy rain, given that im currently living in the Amazonas. I have seen the GR1 from Goruck, but apart from the design which i dont like, im not sure if the 21L could hold my laptop (Dell 755, Height: 1 " (25.3mm) | 2. Width: 15.1 " (383mm) | 3. Depth 10.4 " (265mm) ) in the laptop compartment, and the 26L seems to big for daily use, im 5" 10' btw.
Submitted June 11, 2017 at 02:06PM by CokeAndPuppiies http://ift.tt/2t9BXBG