I recently got a job that I have been working toward and I would love to know my best options going into the future (I am 19). I am making about 525 a week with no overtime. I currently have little to no bills, I am living with my parents and they are keeping me on their insurance until I can not be on it anymore. I am currently saving up for a down payment on a car and the monthly payment would be around 300-400. After I have the down payment for my car and buy it my parents are having me carry some more weight (completely understandable). So my monthly bills would be around 1000-1400 (I don't have an exact number). With no overtime I will be making at least 2100 a month. I have talked with my parents some about options like a 401k which I will do as soon as I can. We have also talked about a credit union, (I am only 19 and do not understand much about money, the main reason I am here is because I want to know the best possible route for my future.) With my job I get a $3 raise every year and after 5 years I will be making a minimum of 40 an hour. If anyone has any input to my situation it is greatly appreciated.
Thank you :)
Submitted June 04, 2017 at 09:55AM by Fibsss http://ift.tt/2s6M2m3