So I'm in the beginning phases of looking at homes to buy (like I'm just going to open houses in my budget to set my expectations). One of my parents sent me a listing on zillow that was above my projected budget. So I said that my SO and I are looking for a starter home we could theoretically afford on one income (we can get a small but nice house for that). And this is the advice I got....
"But you're double income no kids, you can afford more and why move into a house that you ate just going to outgrow anyway."
A. We might not be no kids in a few years
B. Though we plan on being double income for the foreseeable future we have learned that sometimes life throws you a curve ball
C. We have other debt
D. This is the exact kind of attitude that leads to people being house poor
Just a rant
Submitted June 01, 2017 at 08:41AM by LtCommanderCarter