I currently make $42k/yr, I'm contributing 4% to my employer's 401K (they match 4%). Right now my girlfriend is finishing school and I am covering most if not all of the expenses, which total to around $1.5k/month ($800 rent, $260 car payment, groceries, etc.).
I had planned on leaving $10-15k in the savings account for a 6 month emergency fund thanks to this subreddit, and I had also considered keeping $20k fairly liquid as I plan to buy a house within the next 2-5 years. I had considered investing the remaining savings (~10k), but I'm not sure whether to start an IRA, some kind of personal investing account, or something else. Any kind of advice would be greatly appreciated--you guys seem to really have a grasp on these things.
Submitted June 30, 2017 at 04:21PM by TourdeSol http://ift.tt/2sq6gZ5