So here's my situation. I live in the bay area, my wife is a stay at home mom, and I generally drive about six miles then take a company shuttle to the office.
She has a 2015 Subaru Legacy that we own outright, and I have a 2008 Honda Accord with 104,000 miles on it.
Over the past two weeks I've been agonizing about purchasing a new car, rather than spending $1500 in maintenance on the Honda. I went so far as to negotiating the price on a new car, around $30,000.
The dealer ended up selling the one I wanted, and couldn't find an equivalent model.
That gave me some time to think about the fact that my car runs great, and that purchasing a new car would set back my goal to financial freedom quite a bit. And for what? Just luxury really...
I suppose the moral here is, don't get sucked in by shiny things. Unless your car is costing you as much as a new car to maintain, or is seriously unsafe, put your money into index funds and wait!
Submitted June 27, 2017 at 11:58AM by cronuscronus