Read an article on MSN about why you shouldn't pay off your mortage. One claimed reason was this:
" The main reason people try to eliminate their mortgage is that pesky monthly payment. Let’s say you bought your home with a 30-year fixed mortgage and paid every month on time without refinancing. The month after your last mortgage payment, you still have to make a payment on your house. This time you are paying your taxes and insurance. What was once conveniently saved monthly for you by your bank or lending company is now your responsibility. Thus that pesky monthly payment you tried to alleviate continues. It is proven that an affordable mortgage payment helps individuals and families run and maintain a personal financial budget. It just helps everyone plan and maintain a financially healthy mindset."
How can someone possibly get paid to write this trash?
It's STILL my responsibility to pay taxes and insurance even when I had a mortgage. I've ALWAYS had to come up with the money. And then he's claiming "your payment continues". Yes but it's drastically less because I'm not paying principle and interest dumbass!!!
Submitted June 27, 2017 at 07:44PM by E46M54