Looking for a new air compressor to replace an old piece of junk I have that takes forever to fill up and sounds like a war zone. I'm looking for one that is on the quiet side (close to 75 decibels or less if possible), 6 gallons or less and well built. While it will primarily be used for dusting off work, a brad nailer and finish nailer, I would likely want to use it with a framing nailer and roofing nailer for medium sized projects in the future. I know they would only get a dozen or so nails in before cycling at most, but thats alright with me. I'm planning to spend around a maximum of $200 or so. Here's a few of the ones I've been looking at:Briggs & Stratton 3-GallonCalifornia Air Tools 2010California Air Tools 5510SEDEWALT DWFP55130DEWALT DWFP55126If any of you have any of these or any opinions on which to get or any others that might work, id be glad to hear from you. I'm currently leaning towards the DeWalts, as I have no experience with the other brands. via /r/DIY http://ift.tt/2rERyJf