So it has been 5 years since my original post about wanting to buy a Ford Mustang. I decided against buying the car as I had too many expenses coming up (wedding). I had a follow up post 3 years ago talking about how the money was better placed in the stock market. Now I am following up to update on status and discuss how not having an additional car payment is helping in my current situation.
Our first house we bought 3 years ago and 3 months later my wife got a new job in another city so we had to move but kept it as a rental as it was in a hot market. I have just recently bought our 2nd house and a week later I was laid off. While we have an emergency fund, not having a note on a Mustang is really helping right now. I still own my first car (03' truck) and recently replaced the transmission but other than that it has been reliable. No power windows, locks etc.
By not purchasing the Mustang back in 13' we were able to rent out our 1st home which has appreciated significantly and purchase a 2nd home. It has allowed us to be more at ease during my current unemployment. While I am still in love with Mustangs, I continually find it difficult to pull the trigger as I think about all the additional expenses with owning a Mustang (insurance, new tires/breaks, track fees etc...). I don't know how other people are able to afford it.
Submitted June 28, 2017 at 09:50AM by mustanghungry