Hey everyone, I just wanted to shoutout this subreddit for helping me get my life together. In the past year or so, I’ve been experiencing some bad luck and haven’t been able to earn as much money as I needed to. I used to always buy too many things that I didn’t need because I couldn’t control my impulsive buying habits. This became worse when I couldn’t find work after my company I worked for shut down, so I had even less money at that point.
Sometime after that all happened, I found this subreddit and started reading it everyday. A lot of the little hints and tricks I found really started to come together after a few months which allowed me to put some money away in my savings account. After endlessly scrolling through the frugal reddit feed, I started to value the money I have & learn some self-control. I’m not sure why a lot of you guys post but I really appreciate everyone that’s inputted which has helped me save money along the way.
In total, this subreddit has helped me save around $230 a month which is honestly amazing to me. I’d like to thank some of the users here who helped me save the most money along the way:
The first user I want to thank is /u/QuietlySobbing for posting his guide on hotspot devices. I bought one of the devices and even though I haven’t had it for very long it’s going to save me around $460 a year. Here’s the link: http://ift.tt/2q45USo
The second user I want to thank /u/NotJimIrsay. This user’s post help me remember to have a little self control. Here’s the post: http://ift.tt/1UqmAyT
Another user’s advice (/u/Poogletti) that really helped me was getting an alternative to Amazon. I was wasting money on products that didn’t last long because the reviews I was reading on there weren’t legitimate. Used this user’s advice to remedy that situation, here’s the link: http://ift.tt/2qHSQVP
The last user I want to thank is /u/5679brma. This post is actually what got me to start buying from local farmers market which saved me a TON of money every week. Here’s the post, and the comments should help you to: http://ift.tt/28U0iC8
Thanks again everyone. You all really mean a lot to me and you don’t know how much I appreciate y’all.
May 22, 2017 at 11:59AM