Hi,You all were nice enough to reply to my last post about the Home Depot guy scaring me off replacing my electric water heater myself - thank you.I posted a plan for my replacement at the end of that thread but it seems to be buried too deep to get a response, so I am re-posting it here (I hope that it is ok).OK, so I've come up with a plan (lame drawing) that I was hoping you guys could look at to see if it will work.Here's my old setup: http://ift.tt/2qDVV9Y here is my new plan: http://ift.tt/2phHCU0 tank will be lower because it won't be on a stand. Here are the Shark Bites I plan to use (I don't want to sweat copper) http://ift.tt/2qDYV6z I just screw off the old expansion tank and put the new one on at the same pressure as my home's water pressure?Again, thanks very much in advance.Rob via /r/DIY http://ift.tt/2qN7HMs