I just noticed this hole around an emergency downspout opening. I assume the contractor never filled in the hole after install. The hole has probably been open for around a year. As soon as I noticed it, I sealed with "Great Stuff" as a temporary solution to keep water out. I plan on removing the sealant when I find the permanent solution. My question is, what is the best material to use to seal it? Stucco or some other form of plaster? Should I do anything else before sealing? Thank you in advanced!Some pictures of the issue:http://ift.tt/2q2XCwz; http://ift.tt/2q5Xdb4 additional details: It is protruding from the roof of a very tall second floor roof wall. I cannot reach it with an extension ladder; but there isn't sufficient space for a ladder in narrow alley anyway. I can reach the top and side easily from the flat roof, but the bottom will require some sort of extension tool.TLDR: Have a hole that needs filling. via /r/DIY http://ift.tt/2qTu1Hb