Hello all. I'm getting more and more excited with each passing day as the light at the end of the student loan debt tunnel quickly approaches. I graduated in January 2015 with approx 70K in student loan debt. I have paid various amounts each month and have been paying 4K per month for approx 6 months now. I will have my last loan paid off in July/August. I currently max out my 401k(TSP) and I max out my Roth IRA (I just opened the IRA a few months ago). Beyond those two accounts I don't have any other investment accounts. I have 20K in a checking account and $3500 as an emergency fund in a MMSA. My average monthly expenses, all told range from about $400-600 (including cellphone, food, gas, etc). I don't own a house, so there's no mortgage payments. .
My question for everyone this morning is about some other options for my money. Once August hits, I will be saving an extra 4K each month that won't be going to student loans. What is another investment option? Annuity? Rental property? Basically I'm trying to do something advantageous with that 20K. Any and all help is greatly appreciated. Criticism is welcome as well. If you guys need more info just let me know. I'm happy to share.
Submitted May 29, 2017 at 04:48AM by RoTc4 http://ift.tt/2rwCT6k