Hi. Please forgive me if this is the wrong place to post this. I am a second year med student. I have (had) a 1995 Honda Civic that just experienced total engine failure (also forgive my almost embarrassing lack of knowledge about cars). I just got quoted $5000 to replace the engine, which at this point I don’t think is worth it (I have already put roughly $1000 into it in the past two years). I was hoping to just keep it long enough to get through school. I am already going to be cutting it close to pay rent/utilities these next couple of months until my next loan check comes in. I have already contacted my financial aid services to see what help they can offer. However, I haven’t heard back from them yet. I’m just not sure how to proceed. I am new to the buying a car thing- I was fortunate enough to get this car from my grandmother. The lowest used car I can find that runs is around 3.5-5k. My mother is suggesting leasing; my father suggests otherwise. Any advice would be very welcomed.
April 14, 2017 at 09:33AM