So I'll start off- I believe we're in a bubble.
FED rates have caused massive gains in the market because well - it was the only game in town.
Trump rally has further pushed prices far past fair values- especially now that retail looks terrible. It is costing thousands of retail jobs.
If Trump announces his repatriation plans and tax-cuts...we can expect a huge surge as well- adding on to the "supposed" bubble.
Point 2 - Debt- I am skeptical of American companies investing and creating new jobs in the USA. They have been outsourcing jobs since forever and are moving towards automation. Why pay someone either here or in China when a robot can do it 24/7, and not ask for benefits or even a 10 minute break? That being said, American jobs aren't coming back. It's a sham to appease the infinite amount of blue-collared workers for a time.
Our national debt in that case, will never go away and just keep increasing since the no.1 we make money is through federal income tax revenue.
What happens? Your thoughts? What is the catalyst that causes the bubble to pop? People were able to see and recognize the disaster in 2009. It started with Bear and really came down with Lehman.
In this case, what would be the Bear and Lehman of this bubble? When is our national debt too much national debt?
I'm not trying to be a doom and gloom type of guy. Just want some thoughts and analysis. Thanks guys!
Submitted April 08, 2017 at 10:31PM by salmark