I'm going to guess this story has been posted to this sub-reddit before, but if you haven't seen it, it's fun. Little old lady bought a car in the 60's and bought "lifetime" muffler, battery, etc... and held the retailer's to it for decades.
Anyway... knowing that MOST of these "lifetime" offers on these things are somewhat scammy these days...
Brakes: Sure, the pads are "lifetime" but rotors, calipers, whatever else needs to be done and the labor aren't. Batteries: Nobody does it anymore that I'm aware of. Mufflers: Same as batteries.
Etc. etc etc...
Anyone have either "grandfathered" deals they hold the companies that offered them to, or still like any of the currently offered deals by anyone?
Example: Firestone sends me "lifetime alignment" offers all the time. I can count the number of alignments I've needed on modern vehicles in my life on one hand, but their price isn't terrible.
Also, I recognize that most folks simply don't bother to keep vehicles long enough to make any of these things, worth doing. But I'm old enough that I'm well over the need for shiny new car payments and I maintain a "fleet" of four vehicles, each with specific jobs, that are all paid off.
What's your automotive BIFL story?
Submitted April 05, 2017 at 05:37PM by denverpilot http://ift.tt/2nZ1qwe