Hi guys! I'm trying to close the gap at the bottom of my front door, and I can't figure out how to repair the threshold. I've never done this before, but from my research, it looks like I'm supposed to have an adjustable bar behind the threshold plate that will engage a sweep installed on the bottom of the door. This piece seems to be missing and I'm not sure there's a way to install a new one. The interior hardwood flooring was installed such that it intrudes halfway into the doorjamb, and doesn't leave room for the adjustable piece.Also, the flooring and the existing metal part of the threshold are at the same height. Without the raised adjustable piece, any sweep I install on the bottom of the door also has to constantly be rubbing across the hardwood floor, damaging the floor over time. (We actually had to have the hardwoods refinished when we bought the house but before that there was a very distinct arc visible where the sweep had rubbed the floor).Is there any way to repair or replace this threshold? Is the only solution to cut back the hardwood out of the doorjamb and reinstall a new threshold? I've linked to pics below.http://ift.tt/2pbCv89 via /r/DIY http://ift.tt/2nUb1DT