My parents are kicking me out by summer. I don't know if I can do this, to be honest. Coupled with my crippling depression and my parents kicking me out because I'm hardly able to do anything with my depression, living seems really difficult. I am on medication and seeing a psychiatrist. Those are covered by the government, so I don't need to budget for that.
I don't want to be homeless, so I'd like to know how to sort out my finances.
I have a friend that I can split rent and utilities with when I leave the house, but have no clue how to budget or anything like that.
I'm going to have to pay around 500-600 for a room, and 50 a month for a monthly transit pass. I don't know how much to budget for utilities like internet, cell phone etc. They are offering a 45/month plan for cell phone, and I can just use my current phone for that. Internet will be 40 a month split with my friend. I'm assuming $80 a week for food, if I eat at home? I'm not 100% sure. Not sure what other utilities will cost.
My job pays $12.20 an hour, 40 hours a week.
I'd like to save up an emergency fund between now and july.
Submitted April 03, 2017 at 05:18AM by depresssednhomeless