My wife and I are both working to pay down mortgage and school loan debt within the next four years, as well as to replace our two cars (paying in cash) within that same period. We've been working hard toward these goals and have a solid plan and timeline in place to meet them. We have $25k in emergency savings which we will maintain and are contributing fully to our retirements as well. I'm looking forward to the point where we'll be debt free and all the money that would have been going to these payments will be ours to keep.
At that time, these extra funds really should be put to work by investing. We have some small amounts of stocks now but really have been focused on clearing out debt. I'm wondering if a financial advisor at that point would be a good idea, or even possible, simply because we'll "only" have a few thousand a month to invest. I'm also wondering if commissions and fees will make this a bad idea long term.
Any thoughts, suggestions?
Submitted March 09, 2017 at 01:29PM by Relaxed_Engineer