Hello all, I've gone through some of the existing posts but haven't found something quite fitting my requirements just yet. Basically I've recently gotten a small bonus and wish to get a jacket I could wear on a daily basis and have it last long enough to make it worth it. These are my requirements:
- Waterproof (or at least water resistant, i.e. I can wear it in a rain (not downpour) and still be dry)
- Hood, preferably detachable (for rain)
- Suited for temperatures of 25-34 degrees Celsius (I dont get winter here)
- Looks grown up/formal enough to meet supervisors and not feel like a noob
- In a material I could get tailored at a professional tailor, mostly sleeves (I have odd body proportions and clothes off the rack normally fit very poorly)
- Robust warranty programme
- Budget = $300USD, although I'd be willing to spend up to $400USD if the recommendation is a strong one
Thank you for taking the time, look forward to your recommendations! I've had a lot of jackets but they've never lasted/been versatile enough to use for a long time. Hoping to change that with one good purchase and cut down on my cupboard space too.
Submitted March 21, 2017 at 09:49AM by houjichalatte http://ift.tt/2o0iW1X