Curious what peoples thoughts are. Generally I avoid these single stock deals which seems to be the craze here which is iconic to me given the conclusive evidence that for long-term investing an Index fund is pretty much always going to win.
However, I'm thinking about spreading my money around a bit, but also because Im buying into the believe that Tech really is truly going to rule the world and these companies all have extremely impressive 'moats' around them:
- Apple: Each product is truly loved by its users, largest company in the world. Sets the benchmark for products to compare to.
- Amazon: Retail reach and depth, #1 cloud services with AWS. Shaking/potential to shake up up many industries
- Microsoft: Enterprise, Cloud, Linkedin social media
- Google: World leader in search for a digital world.
- Facebook: World leader in social networking, unbelievable marketing / targeting capabilities
Which of these do you view as the most potential / best value?
Submitted March 14, 2017 at 11:47PM by sports89