I work a fairly steady Mon - Fri 40 hour week, and while I am not in debt and I make ends meet, I don't seem to be able to get ahead very much. I see a lot of my co-workers go in for part-time second jobs, things they work on the weekends or even the same days. Never intending to do them for more than a couple of months just to get a bit ahead on things. Part of me sees this as crazy, as these people are always tired on the days they work two jobs from lack of sleep, and I'm sure are rather stressed out by the lack of free time. The other part of me thinks that as a temporary thing, maybe it would be a good way to get a little extra income just to boost things along, but many things make me feel this isn't rational. It seems like there's many other routes to look into first before doing that to yourself, and on the employer side of things it can't be good for that company to just have employees come in part time for a couple of months with the intention from the get-go that it's only going to be temporary. The last straw is that most employers that would even consider hiring part time at the unusual schedules my primary job allowed me off pay rather low wages if not minimum wage, and at part-time, would that extra couple hundred dollars really be worth killing myself over?
So my real question here is, are there any circumstances in which getting a second job actually worthwhile? What are better alternatives for someone to free up or bolster their income assuming a job with a non-negotiable salary instead of getting a second job or different employment?
Submitted March 23, 2017 at 05:08AM by sbourwest http://ift.tt/2nqGxvE