I've seen a lot of posts concerning this topic lately including myself.
I thought I'd share my story.
I performed very well at work this past year so I was expecting a fairly substantial raise when it came time for performance review.
Review came around and I only got a 3% raise which is about what every employee got. My immediate supervisor said in my review that he didn't agree with my raise.
I set up a meeting with my supervisor and his manager. I explained how I didn't think I was being fairly compensated for my performance. (I knew there were coworkers making a significant amount more than me that didn't nearly match my performance) I didn't use that fact as leverage as most people here advised not too. I did, however, touch on this subject and my manager took off and ran with it. He agreed with me and told me how well I was performing. He said he would make it right for me. I took this as basically a no but still had hopes for something to happen.
A week later, I mention it to my supervisor in passing. He says come in and shut the door. Told me the director of our department hasn't signed off yet but he verbally agreed and hr gave their approval. I received a promotion and a raise in the 8-10% range. (On top of my 3% raise) I don't have the exact number yet because I haven't seen the paperwork yet.
tl:dr I asked my employer for a raise and they actually came through.
Submitted March 14, 2017 at 05:59PM by tonyoncoffee http://ift.tt/2nCcNce