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Hi my names Colin. This post is going to be very much emotions and how I feel right now in life.

I've grown up and lived in poverty all of my life. My mom and dad. I currently work as a line cook at a local bar thats about a mile or less away from my house. I am fortunate to have such a steady job so close to home that pays well. I barely passed through high school. Due to many factors but I was a slow learner a shut in and lived an unhealthy lifestyle at home. I got a job right out of HS and it improved my work ethic greatly.

During the last year I did make bad financial decisions and did not save my money properly. I learned how to save up money and be frugal over the winter. As I had barely any work hours or money.

I live in a small cottage thats 500 a month it's very tiny but big enough for me and my girlfriend. The internet is now $90 and my phone is 35 but i do not pay my cellphone bill myself. I used to and when i can afford to i want to. I plan on opening up a bank account with my tax return and not touching it and putting money into it to save for an automobile or some sort of automotive transport.

[21/mtf] she is transgender and hasn't been able to get her medication covered since we've been together for 2 years. We do have healthcare we merely don't get much time to go to the doctor. She does not work and is very apprehensive and scared about taking action in her life. She was homeschooled but never actually got her ged. The place I work at she would be able to get a job but it requires a ged. It bothers me and we have other personal issues. If she could get a job I feel we'd be doing much better. I hope she can get her meds soon.

During clear days I ride my bicycle to work. Even if it's cold sometimes.

I live up in ohio near lake erie. It snows a lot during the winter and is hard to traverse without a car. I rely on my family members who are my safety net. They pay for my communications bills right now. They bring me everywhere I need to for important things only.

Groceries, Laundrymat, doctors. I have to fit to their time schedule and have to fit my life around when my family can take me places.

I haven't had a hair cut in nearly a year now. I need one due to my job. I am on EBT in ohio. Without ebt I would not be able to afford rent during the winter and put money aside.

I can and never will be able to repay my family members for the money they have covered for me when i missed proper rent because i did not have enough money. If it wasn't for my girlfriends mother getting a new job position we'd be screwed.

I make around 9.15 an hour I got a 15 cent raise a few days ago. I live in a village thats a vacation spot. It's mainly seasonal work during the summer for teens and young adults. The Pay is awful for most of the jobs though. As the work up here at most of the resort/amusements is targeted at teens.

I live in an area that is 5 miles or more from the nearest town. The local town isn't very far by car. But by bike it takes 45 minutes to an hour or more. The road I travel to town is very busy and is a straight away so often cars drive recklessly. It scares me I've done it before but I'm often times sweaty and too tired by the time I get home.

I moved up from west Virginia to live with my girlfriend because I wanted to move away and be happy. I'm pretty happy that she still loves me. But I am unhappy and depressed about my financial situation.

I want to find another job. I was recently offered a job up at a factory as a janitor. I was told by the employer I'd make $700 dollars every too weeks. The man who offered me the job guaranteed me it too. But I don't think I'd be able to keep my promise because it's so far away from my house.

But I got scared because I told him I do not have my own car. This is contractual work. What if I miss a day or I show up late because of my bike. My family members did offer me help. But they drive me to work during the winter already. It's still winter near spring It's cold out I can't bike 5 miles in the cold than come home at night fora 5 mile bike ride. I do not have lights on my bike.

I want to buy a car or a scooter or moped or motorcycle! I just want to be free! I want to be able to get a proper car or scooter to commute on. I want to be able to go get eggs and milk I want to be able to take my girlfriend on a date to the movies.

I am very fortunate her family is here to help me when they can but I feel like a leech I sometimes even feel like her family hates me for being here. Because I am a burden.

Whats it like to own a car and to not have to feel like your pestering your family just to go to a doctors appointment. I want to have clean clothes when i need them.

Hopefully during the summer things will pick up at my job I might get more work hours. I hope I can find a second job. But I don't know. Things could be much worse they really could be. But I still feel stuck living paycheck to paycheck.

Submitted March 13, 2017 at 08:50AM by Triggerhappy62 http://ift.tt/2mBGScD

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