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This isnt really the point of this subreddit, but I actually feel like less of a man for being unemployed for so long and was wondering how to cope emotionally. It's been two years since I've had a steady job.

Its taking a toll on my relationship, as an agreement while I'm unemployed, i do all the chores around the house but my fiance doesn't, but this means he feels like all he does is work. And due to depression and possible seizures, I haven't been able to do it every day, and he's understandably frustrated. I can't get unemployment benefits because of his earnings, but I'm looking into disability insurance, but it is taking forever.

I havent got much skill besides retail and food service, and even that is difficult because I recently had sciatica, and standing for long periods might reinjure me. I have an interview today for a factory position that has no lifting, but it's 10 hours of standing so I'm not too confident about that.

I applied for a janitorial position but told the person who called what I was really looking for and he got me an interview in that area even though they hadn't put their feelers out yet. Feel real clever about that. Hehe.

Is there anything I can do that'll make me feel like I'm contributing? I just want to feel more useful than I do while I dont have a steady job.

February 27, 2017 at 09:35AM

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