I know there's been a billion posts about backpacks but I can't seem to find the specific info I'm looking for.
I'm going to PAX East again this year, 3-day long gaming convention. I use a backpack basically only for this anymore. The pack I was using when I was in school has finally died (some cheap Adidas cloth pack) and I'm looking for something to take with me up there in a few weeks.
I used Osprey's packfinder thing, and ended up with like 60+ results. Of the things I found: Ozone, Flapjack pack, Parsec, Momentum, Cyber - I have no idea which one of these is right for me.
I'm looking for something that will last me quite a while. I use a backpack just a few times a year right now but I would like to have something that I know is durable and will last if I start using more often. My biggest concern are having something reasonably snug to the back - My current pack poofs up super deep even if it's completely empty, thus having a huge amount of space on my back that I end up hitting people with when I'm turning in large crowds. I'm always "that guy" who seems to be oblivious to the others around me but my backpack has just been too damn big. Obviously I'd like something comfortable to wear for extended periods of time.
I only intend to pack some water bottles, small snacks, clothing, random merch, and nerd apparel and accessories (3DS, chargers for things, small board game boxes, magic cards/playmats, dice, etc.) I imagine this and my size requirement would lead me to something 20-30 liters?
Price is whatever, I'm not trying to spend $300-400 on a pack that I never intend to do much outdoor hiking or camping with, but I don't really mind spending more on a justifiably better product. Black is preferred, but anything not ridiculous works. I'm never going to be lost in the woods or something with it.
I'm open to other brands as well - But this was just the main brand I was looking at since it was recommended by quite a few people.
Submitted February 17, 2017 at 03:25PM by Jupakazoid http://ift.tt/2lsch34