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I just want to tell those of you who feel like they will never get out of the hole to just put your head down and keep pushing. I just paid off a loan 14 months early and as of today we have paid off $68k in debt and taxes since August 2015. We average $70-80k per year and have basically lived on half that since we made the commitment to become debt-free. We have more to do but holy shit am I proud of us.

Seriously, if we can do it anyone can. We started out paying just $10-$25 extra on credit cards. It felt futile but believe me, IT IS NOT. There is no motivation, there is just doing. Outside of having our kids there is nothing that has brought me such joy and pride. I want that for everyone feeling the weight of this on their shoulders. Yes, YOU!

Submitted February 27, 2017 at 07:00PM by GetDownWithOCB http://ift.tt/2lZUznr

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