This year, Ill turn 32 and complete my graduate degree with nearly $100,000 in loan debt. I wish I knew the things I know now about college, debt, and personal finance.
I'll spare everyone the long sap sorry, but, due to a variety of reasons, I know that I'm about 7 years behind where I need to be in all aspects in life. But for now I'll focus on money.
I am happy with my education, and am happy to pay back my debt, but I just wish it didn't take me so many years (I have adhd and depression).
Under ideal circumstances, I would have completed my graduate education at 24-25 yo and entered the workforce as a teacher in California (I'm a sub right now). I would have been earning income starting at $45,000 and going up from there based on annual raises.
A few months ago I panicked and realized I can never get that time back. It's gone forever.
But perhaps there is a way to earn back some of that money. Perhaps by working extra hours or extra jobs? I don't know if it is even realistically possible. We're talking about 12k-15k hours of post-college income. Do people do this? Am I crazy for considering this?
Submitted February 23, 2017 at 05:13PM by ArthurCyning