Ok, I helped my daughter do her return. We entered in direct deposit and her account number was one digit off. SO, the entire return which was just over 5k was deposited in another persons account. The credit union has frozen this persons account but this morning they admitted to me that the person has already withdrawn all the money (it was deposited last Thursday and we discovered it the following Monday) and they are working to try to get the person on a repayment plan/loan but could not give me any further information . The credit union is taking every opportunity to tell me this is our fault and they aren't responsible. (I know its my fault by the way for entering the wrong number)
I have gathered all the documents and preparing to go to the police with my daughter this afternoon hoping that maybe that will help the situation.
Can any bankers out there give me any hope?
Submitted February 28, 2017 at 01:37PM by Funholiday http://ift.tt/2lTw7SE