I bought an EcoBoost Mustang when I was 17, I couldn't get a loan, so it was financed under my dad's name. Long story short, he doesn't want to re run his credit for a new loan with me on it, and since I just turned 18, I know I can't qualify for this loan by myself. It is also not possible for me to find another adult to co-sign on it, for reasons I'd prefer not to explain. Is there anyway I can bolster my credit with this money? I'm paying $350 a month for it, and it kinda sucks that it isn't helping my credit. If it helps, I have the amount of the car loan plus over ten thousand dollars in my brokerage account, if that helps me qualify. The bank says they need 2 years of self-employment history to even consider me, which I do not have. I make substantially more than the payment on the loan and have no expenses as I live at home.
tl;dr How can I use the $350 I pay towards a car loan in my dads name to bolster my credit.
Submitted February 17, 2017 at 02:56AM by barneypenny http://ift.tt/2loZkXE