As many of you might, I love coffee too. But I was silly. For more than a year I had the stupid habit of driving to my friends bar at least 5 days a week, and drinking 1-2 coffee, latte, ice teas, whatever. One day's average spending on these things is roughly 3$ in current prices (not counting paying beers coffees or whatever to friends).
This might not seem much, but the math says otherwise: this is around ~720$ / year. This is almost 3 months of minimal wage in my country, and I didn't count the gas for getting there and home every day.
Let's do that too:
Going there and back is around 7km, for a year this is 1680km (1044 miles). With the current prices in my country, this is ~210$, again, almost a new minimal wage.
So, going to the bar almost every day, drinking coffee and having meaningless chit-chat cost me almost 1000$ / year. Again, I am from eastern EU, here it is almost 4 minimal wage.
Seeing this now I am glad I have changed, and now only drinking one coffee in the morning at home, and it costs me less than 20$ for a year now.
February 08, 2017 at 04:30AM